Saturday, March 22, 2014

A belt buckle is a belt buckle: Or is it??

 A belt buckle is a belt buckle: Or is it??

While on a casual trip to my favorite Thrift shop I decided to look in the jewelry display case.  As I surveyed the vintage items I spotted a large silver and jade item.  I wasn't sure what it was so I asked the sales person to show me the item.  It was a lovely belt bucket with 2 jade Cranes on it.  I thought I would never wear this as a belt but I might wear it as a pin to decorate the beautiful $5.00 jacket I bought last week.  Enough talk.  Take a look.
                                     This is what I saw in the case.  How beautiful.!! A Belt Buckle???

 I flipped it over and decided I liked the price;  $2.00,  I also noticed it was made by famous Charmant Belts of Beverly Hills CA.  WOW!!

  I researched my great find of the day and found it actually sold for $99;00 at one point in time. 
   I really would have not worn this as a belt so I looked in my junk drawer and found a old pin clasp.  I glued the pin clasp on the back of the Belt Buckle and it is now a beautiful conversation piece on any jacket.  Magic.  Junk into Funk.